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Transform your Future:

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

Buckminster Fuller

Tell me more...

About Mel Drego

Helping you to be the Best Version of You, at any age.

Hey, that's me, Mel, up there!

And here am I, on the mat, requested to "speak" about myself in a few words.
That's a hard call, as I've lived a long(ish) life, a little more than 65 years, as I write this, and to compress that into a few words is going to be a challenge!
But with space being limited on this page, let me be short & to the point:

I'm about helping you to be the best version of yourself into your older years.
(No small task!)

That's my Mission: To transform the way this world ages.

Now, let me get more specific about what I mean about this "best version of you".

As we humans age, zipping over the 50-year mark, we find ourselves falling prey to a number of diseases that I term "The Diseases of Aging".   (Most of these diseases like the demon triumvirate (Sarcopenia, Dynapenia and Osteopenia) are highly preventable, causing immense disability and dependence in our older years. We simply need to do the right things for ourselves, what I term: "flossing for our bodies".)

We pay the price in our Quality of Life for a period of 20, 30 or more years, when we don't do what we should be doing. (And with modern medicine keeping us alive, we could be highly diseased & disabled and still surviving for 30+ years: A long, long period for a sub-quality life.)

My Vision is to inspire and help those of the older demographic who haven't fallen below the Disability Threshold to deliberately take control of the way we age: Build within ourselves a knowledge-bank, mindset and habit-base that will create a strong physical foundation in ourselves.  With that foundation in place, we can then achieve/do pretty much anything that we want to, while enjoying a Quality and length of Life never seen before on this Earth.

I am available to help influence local, national and, eventually, international communities and bodies, thus assisting every little town and suburb to become a Blue Zone. (Note: Without an active "influencing" strategy supported by local & national government bodies (or commercial interests), this problem will continue to fester, with associated cost implications for the whole community.)

Basically you can (and should) be "The Best Version of You: Amazing, Outstanding, Capable and Independent" at whatever age you may be.

I want to inspire & help you be/come that, clearing out the obstacles to your empowerment.
So that's me, Mel: I'm so passionate about transforming the way people (you, and this whole world) ages!

I call it "Thriving" instead of simply "Surviving"!

More about Mel:

I am a passionate accredited Australian trainer, currently undertaking the Master of Teaching (focus on teaching Computing and Maths).

An award-winning Toastmaster, I personally present to business groups. Click to get in contact

More importantly, though, I walk my talk (above):I am an outstandingly physically strong person, working towards beating the Master's strength records for my age: (click on the video below)

Here's a glimpse of how I continue to progress in strength, squatting 150 kg for 2 repetitions in June 2024:

It's time to move ahead.

Action begets results: Stride forward to a better future.